Our goal is to make life easier on caregivers and provide dignity and needed items to youth. Our Resource Closet provides basic needs!  You qualify to submit a request...

If you live in Peoria, Tazewell, or Woodford county AND: 

  • accepted a new foster placement within the last 30 days
  • accepted a new kinship/ relative care placement within the last 30 days
  • are a biological family reunified within the last 30 days
  • are a teen in foster care that moved into an apartment in the last 30 days ( working an independence goal)
  • are a biological family working an intact case plan

Please note:Please do not submit a request until the child has been officially placed in your home. If you need a larger item like a bed for placement to occur, submit a special request or email the Resource Closet Coordinator, Katie Oliger at Katie@fostervillagepeoria.org

Please fill out a seperate form for each child. 

Type of Requests:

1. Welcome bags

These include basic needs for a child:

  • a couple days worth of outfits
  • pajamas
  • dental care items
  • hair care products
  • other tolietries
  •  blanket
  • Toy or/and comfort item.
  • We add additional items like: diapers, wipes, make-up, journals--- when age appropriate. 

Fill out a Welcome Bag REQUEST FORM HERE! 

2. Special Request Items:

These are larger one-time needs that agency is unable to provide, please ask agency to supply the item first. We only allow one special request item per child (due to grant guidelines and funding).

Note: We are happy to help meet needs for one-time unique requests, but must also fall within guidelines above.  We require an email confirming the need from your caseworker before we can approve your request. Please have your caseworkers/agency contact email katie@fostervillagepeoria.org to confirm your need.

Items we offer:

  • Bed (shipped to your home)
  • Crib (shipped to your home)
  • Car seat (if we have one in-stock)

looking for other items? Try our Facebook" Foster Village Peoria Swap & Share Group" to find free, gently used items HERE

Fill out a Special REQUEST FORM HERE!

( If you live near Peoria Area, but not in our  approved counties, or need additional items- feel free to utilize our Swap & Share Group to find items & resources HERE. )